Thursday, July 24, 2008

New Dog Art

I guess I had better post some new doggy art. I did work one day last week while on vacation. I started on 2 portraits, Betty & Beebee. Yesterday I finalized these sweet girls.

"Betty The Boston Terrier" ( above)
See all 6 proofs

About The Art: Strike a pose Betty! The original photo for this little Boston was just perfect ... the folded paws made this little girl look so dainty. I slightly rotated her head a tad and I removed the grey invisible fence collar.

"BeeBee The Yorkie" ( above)
See all six proofs

About The Art: Bee Bee's original photo was a bit low in resolution. I created a variety of looks for this little Yorkie. The first sample here of BeeBee is my boldest offering. I have a strong sense that BeeBee's human is going to be opting for a more tame version.

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