Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Passion For Blogging

Today's guest blogger is Manon Doyle. Some of you may remember Manon from an interview I did with her last year. I asked Manon to be my first guest blogger because her blog is a great example of one that exhibits a great deal of passion for both art and life. You can learn more about Manon on her blog or at her main site

© Manon Doyle

When Rebecca asked me to be a guest blogger I was a little hesitant. I'm always worried about what to write about on my own blog so I wondered what the heck I was going to say on hers. She explained that I could talk about passion or whatever I felt like. "Great", I thought. I can do passion.

I've had a lifelong affair with art but I've recently developed a passion for blogging. I can't even remember why I started blogging. It was probably because I felt a little isolated as an artist and thought I could meet with like minded individuals. I had to be honest with myself early on that writing wasn't my strong suit so I decided to write in my own voice. The way I write is the way I speak ... yikes! "Be yourself" was my motto and with that I began to love blogging.

© Manon Doyle

I didn't have many readers for a long time but it really didn't matter because I was entertaining myself and I love to be entertained ... lol ... even if I'm the one making myself laugh.

Most of the posts were initially about art but then my feelings and normal every day things started creeping in. Yup ... you may be a little sick of my feet and those Sun Chips but I have this need to mix things up.

© Manon Doyle

Anyway.... I think for me the biggest thing is laughter. Anyone that visits can laugh with me or at me ... lol... and that's more than ok! A little art, a little laughter and a whole lot of passion for life. That's what I want my blog to be!

Thank you Rebecca, my friend for having me here today! I truly appreciate it!

- Manon Doyle 

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