Monday, May 16, 2011

Abner Misses Watson

"Abner Misses Watson"

You guys may recall Watson's artwork from last March.  His people sent me a very nice e-mail today and told me how much they love their portrait. They did say that now Abner is very jealous and wants a portrait of himself soon. He is shown above with Watson's artwork. This project was 24 x 36, it looks huge next to Abner. Thanks to Karin for sending such a cute shot. I look forward to working on Abner some day. Oh, and the title for the post and photo were taken from the name of the jpg file they sent me.... very sweet and sad.

It is Monday .... and for those Mosaic Monday followers out there I will get a post up later this afternoon/ evening to show you guys the mosaic projects I have been working on.

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