Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Art Paw Studio News

Last week Dan was off work and he started to get his new painting studio set up. He also gave me windows in my doors on my production building. We have two of those wooden storage type sheds that you can purchase from Home Depot. Both are wired with electricity and air conditioning. They are air tight and they are perfect artist studios. When I first started my business 8 years ago I would run out and pay retail on card board boxes every time I needed to ship a portrait. During my 3rd year in business when the orders were increasing and steady it became obvious that I had to start buying boxes wholesale. It was at that time that I knew a had to have more space and quick. The storage shed was the perfect solution for shipping. We have since extended it's functions to include canvas stretching. This summer my best friend has organized my space for me with new shelving, wire baskets, and a place for every tool.
I painted the trim green and added a few flower pots to dress it up. Some time this month I plan to design my own vinyl window shades for the new door windows. What was originally an ugly brown box in the backyard is turning out to be a very efficient and good looking work space.
Dan Working on my door windows

Interior Shots

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