Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Free Holiday Cards and Christmas Ornaments

Art Paw is giving away free holiday cards and Christmas ornaments to all existing clients this week. You can choose from a set of 6 note cards or a fun ceramic tree ornament ( with your pet's artwork). One gift per household. I decided what is a Christmas in July promo without presents to my loyal and long time clients. All you have to do to receive your gift is give Rebecca (me) a call toll free this week at 888-225-4278. I will need the name of the person that ordered your custom art and your pet's name. Your holiday goodies will be designed from your old artwork and we will mail your gift to you within 4- 6 weeks. Please give me a call and collect your Christmas present. I want to hear from all of you guys and find out how many new pets you have and what is going on with your 4 legged pack. Merry Christmas!

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