Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tickled Pink

"Persian Pink" created at

Here at Art Paw I am sort of known for my rich reds, oranges and swampy greens. I have however on occasion tried my hand at Pink. The palette above is called "Persian Pink". Pixie is an older kitty cat project and I think pink suits her well.

Pink Color Trivia:
In 1968, Mary Kay Ash, purchased the first Pink Cadillac, which eventually became the trademark of her company.

In Japan, the color pink has a masculine association. The annual spring blooming of the pink-blossomed cherry trees (the Sakura) is said to represent the young Japanese warriors who fell in battle in the prime of life (the Samurai).

"Pink" is a song by Aerosmith.

Japanese stoner/drone band Boris had a 2005 album called Pink.

The Pink House is the residence of the President of Argentina.

When you think pink is it all about cotton candy and cool jazzy panthers? Leave me a comment and tell me more about the color pink!

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