Thursday, July 3, 2008

And the winners are...

Ok we have 7 official winners and 3 pending winners. Part of the goal with this contest was to see if people could actually study their camera long enough to send the proper size file if we give stuff away. Low and behold ... you guys mastered the technology, you sent me 1MB and larger files! Thank you all so much, I know it had to have been difficult!
I know I sound just a wee bit sarcastic, but 65% of our clients send us sweet adorable images that are so low in resolution they hurt my eyeballs when enlarged ... we are talking huge jagged pixelation. You guys all did a great job on the photos!

Now the 2nd goal was to get some of you long time blog lurkers to post a comment to enter ... yep, I wanted you to step out of the shadows and say hi on my blog! Bloggers love comments ... it is what we live for. Three of our 10 winners did not do the commenting part that we stated in the rules. They did send us their photos at the right size, and their address. If Artie, Murphy and Sunny will post a comment or ask their humans to post a comment and say hi then they will be official winners too. I am eager to work on Artie ...check out those goggles! Please leave me a comment Artie!

Now ... Ruby where is your photo? You were an early commenter, but no photo made it through to us ...send us one to today and we will add you to the list.

Thanks to everyone that commented! If you missed this contest do not feel bad. I will be giving stuff away all month. You have to read the blog to win though. You never know what day of the week I will be posting a comment-contest. It will not always be breed specific either.

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