Friday, August 7, 2009

Busted For A Dismissive Attitude

Today I received a pretty spot on comment that nailed me for being dismissive towards beginner artists and I realize once again that you have to choose your words carefully in life or you may end up looking like a butt, or you may show your butt when in fact you are actually just trying to be generous.

The post in question was actually a post that was supporting another portrait artist and yet one reader zeroed in on a rather snobby attitude that came out on my part regarding beginner artists that e-mail random requests for support and promotional help. In reality I do spend a lot of time writing for and encouraging new artists. I have a tips section on my blog and I create photoshop tutorials to help people along. What I don't do and do not have time to do is respond personally to every single random e-mail that requests a link exchange, or a blog feature. I just don't have enough hours in the day to do this and so yea, I often roll my eyes and I do get impatient with people. I'm human.

So this next week I want to offer up advice to any beginning or seasoned artist that may want information on how to get their blog, site, or artwork talked about by other artists. There are very effective ways to do this and there are clumsy spammy ways to do this. The artist I featured last week had someone within their team send a very professional e-mail to me. They spoke to me with some flattery and yet more as though we were already peers and I was happy to support them.

So, tomorrow, from the road I will post on blog etiquette among artists.
I'm stuck in a car for 15 hours so this is a great time to talk about some stuff I have been wanting to touch on for some time now.

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