Thursday, August 20, 2009

Flickr groups

I've posted a few images to the Flickr groups I joined after doing the "Freddie and the Fairy" competition back in May. As I mentioned in my July post, those groups are "Illustrapedia", "Illustration Collaboration" and the new spin-off group from the latter, called "A To Z Alphabet".

The June challenge for "Illustrapedia" was Dinosaurs and the July challenge was Witches (click on the images to see full sets on Flickr)...

My Pet Dinosaur 01 - final

Madam Wormcharm - pencilled

I'm going to be concentrating most of my effort for the next month on my "Y" image for the "A To Z Alphabet" book. Not that easy thinking of suitable "Y" words (child friendly, good use of phonics, etc.), but I've got a thumbnail sketch of possible choices:

Letter Y thumbnails - 01

I'm working on the composition of the image now. Oh...I've subsequently found out that there is no such creature as a Yardbird!! Shame. I could try drawing Eric Clapton instead!

My good wife felt that my Yak looked more like a goat. I assured her that it was only a sketch and either my good friend, Google, or one of my kids' animal encyclopedia's will be providing me with a better reference from which to draw :)

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