Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When One Pet Portrait Just won't do

Twinkle, Sweetpea, Figment, Milo, Romeo and Sherman

When one pet portrait is not enough the answer is simple ... order several and do a grouping. This is a project I did a few years ago for Sherman the bulldog and pals. I love this office shot even though the light from above has created a soft effect on the artwork. The cool Pottery Barn desk and morning sunshine make this a great interior shot. I see this photo and think instead of paying bills I would want to roll around on the floor with the dog toys and Sherman. Thanks to Beverly for letting us post this great home shot.

Project Challenges:
Twinkle the parakeet was a fun challenge as the original photo had very little detail ( see below). This project taught me the importance of not allowing yourself to be limited by your original snapshots. For Twinkle's artwork I studied bird books and did a bit of research to see what detail was missing and then I painted it in using a variety of reference photos.

"Twinkle" Original photo above


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