Sunday, January 24, 2010

Escape into Life: Issue no. 9

Victor Moscoso, Incredible Poetry 1968

A couple months ago we did an article on the poster art movement, and in this issue our newest writer Lara Cory talks about the extraordinary artistic talent appearing in rock posters of the last decade. She also gives a brief history of the rock poster, suggesting that sex, death, and animals dominate the genre's favorite imagery.

I'm very pleased with the intellectual, artistic, and literary submissions coming into Escape into Life. Here are some of the highlights of this issue:

Sex, Death, and Animals: The Art of the Rock Poster . . . Complete with a rock poster art gallery, Australian writer Lara Cory introduces artists of this magnificent genre then and now.

Poetry by Chad Redden . . . Soothing, quirky, and intimate, Chad Redden's poetry acts as an elixir on the mind.

Clayton Eshleman's Poetic Art . . . Published author, David Maclagan, delves deep into the poetry of Clayton Eshleman and shows how Eshleman's poetry re-creates works of art in the poet's own subjectivity.

Microfictions by Jonathan Everitt . . . With a tremendous economy of words, writer Jonathan Everitt delivers subtle and nuanced fiction.

What is Escape into Life?

EIL is a publication based on the concept of citizen journalism. The goal is to create a journal of poetry, essays, and art from writers who are already publishing on the Web and who would like to gain more exposure to their blogs. The artists we feature are the very best we can find, and the writers have a background in writing and a passion for the arts.

More information here

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