Monday, April 19, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Swarm Robot

Swarm Robot
Originally uploaded by artpaw
Wow, Mosaic Monday so soon. We spent the weekend taking care of a 2 legged senior doggy. It was hard work and I am a bit exhausted, but I did get a good nights rest.

This will be a crazy busy week, and I am totally ready to conquer it. This robot image is one of my recent 6 x 6 little robots.  I am finishing up several mosaic projects this month and hope to post about a large 24 x 18 octopus soon.

I am teaching a workshop this weekend on using the computer as a design tool for mosaics. I have 2 openings left if anyone is in Dallas and wants to sign up. I will also be creating an on-line version of the class for those that can not travel and it will be posted a week or so after the real-world class. Learn more here: do not have to be a digital junkie like myself to take advantage of tools like Photoshop or Photoshop elements when it comes to design work.  The goal is not to replace the old fashion pencil and sketch book, but to add to your creative arsenal with tools that can help you spin your creative ideas around quickly into new possibilities.

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