Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pet Portrait Business Models

© Leigh Jackson
Today I want to talk about business models and give a quick shout out to someone who I admire as an artist and really respect as a business woman. Leigh Jackson with Noisy Dog Studios has been painting dogs for quite awhile. She has a call for photos going on right now for a special project she is doing in 09. Send her your pup pics and she might just choose them as one of her subjects to paint next year. It costs you nothing, and your pet might be chosen as her next subject. You can always purchase your artwork later if you wish. This is not a contest, and not a gimmick. It is just a brilliant idea and something she wants to do. Read more about it and visit her website to check out her artwork. A portion of her proceeds on this project will benefit A Place to Bark. It looks like she will be combining her blog and twitter feed to add an extra element of fun to the project... clever girl!

I love Leigh's regular terms on her portrait site. She takes a 50% deposit on her commissions, and shows her clients a final proof. If they love their portrait they pay the balance, if not they forfeit their deposit and she sells the painting on-line to her large fan base of dog lovers. I can not imagine anyone not falling in love with their portrait since she has a unique and wonderful style that gets right to the essence of her subjects. That is all there is to ordering with Leigh and it is so simple and so brilliant. She avoids the hassle of repainting, reproofing and jumping through other hoops to match her artistic vision to that of her clients. I am sure she probably quizzes them on favorite colors etc. but when it comes right down to it she just does her own thing and listens to her own instincts. It is pure and honest and I love it!

Here at Art Paw I try to stay true to my inner voice as well and yet my terms are a little different. I do offer a money back guarantee, and also find myself redesigning and reproofing occasionally. Of course with digital art that is so much easier to do. I point out our differences not because I think my way is the best way, but to show that there are many many ways to work, and the trick is finding a way that works well for you the artist and for your clients. One of my goals for 09 is to rethink and rework my own business model a bit. There are many things about it that work like a well oiled machine, but then there are things that I could improve on a lot. I do not know yet what changes I will be making. One thing I want to do is stop promising such fast turn-arounds. It makes me crazy and I often loose sleep worrying about deadlines. That is the nature of commercial art, but at some point you have to educate people about art and let them know that your fastest work does not always equal your best work, sometimes it actually does, but not always. This week I am really fortunate to be working with some of the most patient laid back clients on the planet so my stress level is pretty low.

There are so many ways to design a custom pet portrait business. If you are a commercial or fine artist working on demand please be generous if you have time and leave us a comment and share some insights you may have about what commission working terms you use that have or have not worked in the past. Another goal in 09 is to continue to support other artists on this blog, and to try to open up dialogues. I have some regular blogging art buddies that I love hearing from and yet I know there are other readers out there that have never even said hi yet. Don't be shy! To leave a comment just click on the text link below this post that has a number and the word "comments" next to it and a window will open up... it's very easy.

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